: Okay, when trying to create a back up of a DVD I recently purchased (Over The
: Hedge) I have tried multiple codecs under AVI and regardless of whether or
: not I choose MP3 or AAC for the audio, whenever I try pllaying my test
: rips QT says I'm missing software needed to play the file. What gives?
: I've got QT pro so is there a step I'm missing somewhere?
: Any help would be MOST appreciated!
1) Are you trying to back it up to a DVD-R or make a copy to watch on your computer? If you want to back up your DVD to a burnable disc, I use Mac the Ripper in OS X to extract the video TS folder. Then compress use whatever to make a DVD image from the Video_TS folder. I like DVD Imager. Then burn the image with DIsk Utility. You can throw in an extra step where you compress and/or extract certain parts of the Video_TS folder to get it to fit on a single layer DVD-R. I have a copy of Roxio Popcorn ($50) for this and it takes care of the imaging/burning too. But it's not free. On a PC you can use DVD Shrink which can also go straight to an .iso or Video_TS. One more thing, if your DVD has CSS, Mac the RIpper can handle is (as does Handbrake) but neither can deal with ArcOSS. For that, so far I've found nothing for the Mac (there is a bootleg version of Mac the RIpper v. 3 floating around the web that is supposed to DeArcOSS, but it doesn't in my experience). I have found a nice piece of freeware for the PC (which I run on a small installation of XP through Paralleles Desktop on my MacBook Pro) called DVDFab Decrypter. It gets around that ArcOSS no problem.
2) Why AVI? Why not MPEG, especially H.264?
3) For AVI playback, have you tried VLC? It's available for just about any OS and it plays a lot of funky shit QT doesn't.