: Sorry, I really thought Hostel sucked. It was shock-filmmaking just for the
: sake of shock.
Wow, I gotta defend here. I was afraid it would be just 2 hrs of torture scenes and be unwatchable, but I thought the whole thing was super entertaining. First of all, hot, hot, hot, naked girls everywhere. The story has funny parts and really tense parts and the gore/shock was fucking right on (IMO of course).
I think the overall story is pretty good too. Not to mention (potential spoiler alert here!) the first half of the movie you are led to believe that the geeky kid is really the main character, then they off him and it's really about the cocky douche-bag finding out what happened to his friend and getting out.
: There was no humor,
Dude, the whole thing is hilarious!
: the visuals looked like a finchner
: flick with mud splashed over the screen,
Not sure what you mean by this. I think the movie looks great.
: the soundtrack did little to
: nothing to enhance the vibe they were trying to project
I generally don't pay much attention to a sound track. Nothing stands out in my mind about the soundtrack to this movie as bad or good. Maybe you're right on this point, I don't know.
: and it seemed
: rather pointless all in all.
Man, I just don't think horror movies need to have a point other than to be entertaining. Trying to work a moral into a horror movie can ruin it.
: Just y opinion but "Saw" it
: ain't...
Now, I don't think "Saw" is all that great. The original is OK, but it's so fucking laughable at the end when Carey Elwes and that other guy basically look like they're gonna make out. I did like the twist at the end. That was also the worst acting I've seen Carey Elwes do, so I was disappointed. Saw II had a good start and a good end, but I just didn't give a shit about the whole middle or any of the characters.
: Didn't like Cabin Fever either though so I guess I'm just not
: into that kind of flick overall...
Man, Eli Roth has the recipe for solid horror flicks if you ask me. Boobs, comedy and gore (be it over-the-top or just plain campy).