: Wow, I gotta defend here. I was afraid it would be just 2 hrs of torture
: scenes and be unwatchable, but I thought the whole thing was super
: entertaining. First of all, hot, hot, hot, naked girls everywhere. The
: story has funny parts and really tense parts and the gore/shock was
: fucking right on (IMO of course).
Well, there was nothing "tense" about the film (but this is coming from a hitchcock fan mind you) as every single plot detail was either forseeable or just plain lame IMO. I couldn't get into the flick, it started getting me interested when they saw their friend's jacket and thought it was him and had kind of the cat & mouse game chasing him but that was sabout the climax of the film for me. As soon as they introduced certains characters I even mentioned to friends how soon I thought they'd be killed off.
: I think the overall story is pretty good too. Not to mention (potential
: spoiler alert here!) the first half of the movie you are led to believe
: that the geeky kid is really the main character, then they off him and
: it's really about the cocky douche-bag finding out what happened to his
: friend and getting out.
Yeah, I didn't expect to have the prep-jock be the main character and while that one twist was interesting, it felt like a novelty for the film to try and gain some form of credibility. I'm only going on personal "feeling" from teh film thoguh mind you and I'm really glad that you were able to enjoy it, I just couldn't.
: Dude, the whole thing is hilarious!
Ummm, must have missed those humorous parts then. Sorry. The only thing I found funny in the entire film was the asian chick's eye near the end and that was only because of the absurdity of it all...
: Not sure what you mean by this. I think the movie looks great.
It's filmed with stock lenses and shitty fiolm-grade. They aboviously didn't invest too much into the post-production either as otherwise, you'd have a "cleaner" look to it with sharper edges and better color variation. It felt like they were trying to do an 8mm "snuff film" look using what they had on the cheap and considering that they barely had a budget, this follows with that amount of financing. Think of Natural Born Killers and it's "flashback" B&W sequences. Done on the el-cheap-o in order to get that specific look. The entire film felt like they were trying WAY too hard to achieve a visual goal that they simply weren't able to make happen. Again, this is only personal opinion mind you...
: I generally don't pay much attention to a sound track. Nothing stands out in
: my mind about the soundtrack to this movie as bad or good. Maybe you're
: right on this point, I don't know.
A proper soundtrack can do wonders for a film. Just one recent example I can think of is to watch the Matrix without the music. There's no connection to the violence and it doesn't come close to the product that it was in it's final state. Or, also, try substituting other music for what was in the film, eiother way the music that was chosen makes a serious impact that adds to the emotional resonance of the film. It's something most people take for granted or don't pay much attention to but it's a crucial issue. The composer/audio engineer you use can make or break the film. Just imagine Run Lola Run with Classical or Jazz instead of the variety of different electronica styles they used for the same base track...
: Man, I just don't think horror movies need to have a point other than to be
: entertaining. Trying to work a moral into a horror movie can ruin it.
Sure, I'm not saying all horror movies need to have a moral but IMO they should fall under one of the following categories. Clever, Suspensful or ACTUALLY scary! There was nothing but the typical "Boo!" from the boogeman behind the corner firght shot in the film and it's played out. I prefer my horror to be entertaining and watchable without having to stop and try to remember which other movie they ripped whichever idea off from. Unfortunately, each of his films you've mentioned falls into this category for me and I simply haven't been able to enjoy either of them. I didn't even know they were by the same guy until this conversation, I just didn't "like" either of them. Grante,d I didn't hate them either,I just thought "Huh, that was interesting, glad I saw it over at so&so's house instead of paying to rent it myself) however I did (unfortunately) pay to rent Hostel...
: Now, I don't think "Saw" is all that great. The original is OK, but
: it's so fucking laughable at the end when Carey Elwes and that other guy
: basically look like they're gonna make out. I did like the twist at the
: end. That was also the worst acting I've seen Carey Elwes do, so I was
: disappointed. Saw II had a good start and a good end, but I just didn't
: give a shit about the whole middle or any of the characters.
I enjoyed Saw because it had a unique villain who wasn't so much of a villain as a moderator (or so it felt like in the first two, haven't seen the 3rd yet as I heard that it really sucked ass) and it had a unique take ont eh horror genre. It felt like more of a suspense thriller than it did a "horror" film and I dug that. The second one? It felt a little over the top to me but I still enjoyed watching it and own a copy that I have viewed several times over the year or two... :)
: Man, Eli Roth has the recipe for solid horror flicks if you ask me. Boobs,
: comedy and gore (be it over-the-top or just plain campy).
Eh, I guess I just prefer Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson. ;) I'd rather watch Dead Alive than Hostel or whatever ANY day! ;)