: Yeah, I didn't expect to have the prep-jock be the main character and while
: that one twist was interesting, it felt like a novelty for the film to try
: and gain some form of credibility.
Being a Hitchcock fan, you recognize that as the old "Psycho" bait and switch!
I also like how in the beginning the guy that sends them off to Czech says that "you can do whatever you want" to the girls there. Then they end up as torture subjects for wealthy business men who pay to do "whatever they want" to them.
: Ummm, must have missed those humorous parts then. Sorry. The only thing I
: found funny in the entire film was the asian chick's eye near the end and
: that was only because of the absurdity of it all...
I thought a lot of the dialogue was funny. The little kid gang too.
: It's filmed with stock lenses and shitty fiolm-grade. They aboviously didn't
: invest too much into the post-production either as otherwise, you'd have a
: "cleaner" look to it with sharper edges and better color
: variation. It felt like they were trying to do an 8mm "snuff
: film" look using what they had on the cheap and considering that they
: barely had a budget, this follows with that amount of financing.
Well, I would defend by saying that an 8mm snuff film may have been what he was going for (keep in mind that it's based on places in Asia (I think) where these kinds of things supposedly go on. However, I did not think the film was grainy at all. Could it have been the theater you saw it in?
: A proper soundtrack can do wonders for a film.
Again, I rarely pay attention to a soundtrack. IMO, if you're watching a film and thinking, "wow this soundtrack is really great", then someone hasn't done their job right (likewise if you're thinking it sucks). It shouldn't take you out of the film. I agree with you and understand your point about the Matrix, I'm just saying I didn't notice the soundtrack while watching Hostile, it didn't stand out (as good or bad) for me. And for me that is good.
: Sure, I'm not saying all horror movies need to have a moral but IMO they
: should fall under one of the following categories. Clever, Suspensful or
: ACTUALLY scary!
IMO, it falls into clever and I found parts of it to be suspenseful. But I think there's another category and that is "delivers on the sex and gore". Which this one fall in to for sure.
: There was nothing but the typical "Boo!" from
: the boogeman behind the corner firght shot in the film and it's played
: out.
Nothing stands out in my mind as fitting that description.
: I prefer my horror to be entertaining and watchable without having to
: stop and try to remember which other movie they ripped whichever idea off
: from.
Other than the Psycho bait and switch I thought it was all pretty original. And I can't remember the last time I've seen a movie where they pulled that bait and switch.
: I did
: (unfortunately) pay to rent Hostel...
Hmm, so you didn't see it in the theater. That's strange that you'd say it's grainy. I have the DVD (of course) and it looks crisp and clear to me (and I have 20/15 vision!). Also, without the original packed theater experience, I have to admit, I might not have liked it quite so much, but I still think I'd like it and own it.
Well, clearly I'm not swinging your opinion at all (nor was it my intent). I guess we have to agree to disagree.
: I enjoyed Saw because it had a unique villain who wasn't so much of a villain
: as a moderator (or so it felt like in the first two, haven't seen the 3rd
: yet as I heard that it really sucked ass) and it had a unique take ont eh
: horror genre. It felt like more of a suspense thriller than it did a
: "horror" film and I dug that. The second one? It felt a little
: over the top to me but I still enjoyed watching it and own a copy that I
: have viewed several times over the year or two... :)
Didn't see the third either. But I agree that the villain is interesting, but not all that unique. Think "Seven". ANyways, the villain is the good part about those films, it's the other characters that keep them from being great movies.
: Eh, I guess I just prefer Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson. ;) I'd rather watch
: Dead Alive than Hostel or whatever ANY day! ;)
Oh man, Dead Alive is fucking phenomenal. I wish I could have seen that in a theater! And of course the Evil Deads/Army of Darkness (I wish Raimi had gone with his original title "Midevil Dead".
You may want to check out "Feast". It was the last Project Greenlight picture that got made, so it's produced by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, which I thought was a bad idea, but I don't think they did anything really other than put their name on it since they started that whole Project Greenlight thing.
Anyways, for some reason, "Feast" reminds me a bit of "Evil Dead" (probably because it's people trapped in a bar rather than a cabin). It's got the humor/gore thing going for it.