: Again, I rarely pay attention to a soundtrack. IMO, if you're watching a film
: and thinking, "wow this soundtrack is really great", then
: someone hasn't done their job right (likewise if you're thinking it
: sucks). It shouldn't take you out of the film. I agree with you and
: understand your point about the Matrix, I'm just saying I didn't notice
: the soundtrack while watching Hostile, it didn't stand out (as good or
: bad) for me. And for me that is good.
I guess for me one of my favorite genres of music in general is movie soundtracks, more specifically symphonic scores. I like a lot of classical, and it seems like movie soundtracks are the only thing that comes close to modern-classical (oxymoron?).
: Oh man, Dead Alive is fucking phenomenal. I wish I could have seen that in a
: theater! And of course the Evil Deads/Army of Darkness (I wish Raimi had
: gone with his original title "Midevil Dead".
As we've discussed before these are some of my very favorites as well, and I agree that "Midevil Dead" would have been a better title than Army of Darkness which in no way informs you that it is related to the rest of the series (which was perhaps the intent).