: Your options are 3: 1) Use Snapz Pro to capture the video while its playing
: off the screen to a format that can be burned to DVD.
: 2) Capture your video stream output to a recording device such as a stand
: alone DVD video recorder (or a VCR, but you're undergoing a lot of A/D
: conversions to get to DVD then.)
: 3) Point a camcorder at your Mac screen, play the video, capture the video to
: your computer and burn to DVD. (Worst option.)
I've been meaning to try something. I want to upload an iTunes video to my personal webspace and try using KeepVid.com to "rip" it. I kind of think it won't work, but I want to try anyways. But just haven't gotten around to it.
: OK, so those are all somewhat of a joke (especially the third), though if
: your computer is fast enough the first would give the best results. No one
: has broken Apple's video encryption yet. Apparently "DVD-Jon" is
: working on it, but has nothing to show yet.
: Legalities aside I'm sure you can find the content you have acquired
: somewhere , and morally if you've already payed for it I don't see a
: problem with this. It will probably be of higher quality anyway (stuff
: downloaded from iTunes is likely to look pretty shitty on a big screen
: anyway).
I don't know, 640x480 should look pretty good. It'd be better if the widescreen was anamorphic. I've only output the old 320x240 to the TV and was surprised at how "good" that looked. Technically, it's lower res than VHS, but I think it looks at least as good as VHS.