Posted By: Zach( Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2006, at 3:20 p.m.
You know, I've been so busy sulking about not being able to ahold of a Wii that I totally forgot to barrage you with questions about it!
1) Do you feel retarded swinging the remote around like a sword?
2) Where are the SD and GC controller ports?
3) Have you tried any GC games on it yet? If so, is the backwards compatibility good? I'm particularly interested in being able to play RE4 with my GC controller on the Wii so I don't have to keep the GC hooked up.
4) Have you tried the virtual console? How about the WiFi connection, does it have WPA? (The DS doesn't and that blows)
5) Any idea how long the batteries last in the Wiimote?
6) Have you had trouble holding on to the Wiimote and thrown it through your TV yet? Or are all those stories over hyped?
I'll probably think of a shitload more questions real soon. (No DVD payback, right?)