: Yeah, I was really having trouble thinking of movie trilogies last night when
: I wrote that. I agree that Empire was a rare exception where it was the
: strongest of the trilogy, but eventually decided that my statement about
: trilogies didn't assess the second movie's value, merely its structure. I
: guess I could have used The Matrix, or Scream, but they seemed like bad
: examples because you really could just watch the first ones and be done
: with them.
Oh god, Scream 2 & 3 as well as the Matrix 2& 3 are awful. Although the Scream sequels are really unwatchable whereas the Matrix sequels I could sit through again. I know J242 is gonna jump in here and defend the shit out of the Matrix sequels ;)
: Anyhow, I agree with your point, but I don't think it in anyway
: invalidates the analysis.
Certainly not.
: It probably was better than the original, but it relies so heavily on the
: third movie that, like The Matrix, if the third movie sucks it invalidates
: the second one. So, it's hard to make that assessment with any certainty
: yet.
Again, I'm setting J242 up for a rant here, but Matrix Reloaded was so fucking bad, I thought "well, they probably tried to stretch the material they had into 2 movies, so surely the third movie must contain the bulk of the good stuff". Wrong. While slightly better than reloaded, revelations was still a turd*. They had enough for about half a movie and stretched it into 2. I love Hollywood!
*This has become one of my favorite ways of describing bad movies/TV in general (kind of like using "douche" to describe a total asswipe).