: Oh god, Scream 2 & 3 as well as the Matrix 2& 3 are awful. Although
: the Scream sequels are really unwatchable whereas the Matrix sequels I
: could sit through again.
Agreed. I'm still having trouble thinking of any other good trilogy examples. Lord of the Rings is a bad example because when they made the first one they knew they would be making the second and the third, and thus didn't even try to make the first one stand on its own, they just (roughly) followed the trilogy of books. You really can't call the Indiana Jones movies a Trilogy, firstly because there is a fourth in development, and secondly because the stories aren't contiguous. I'm sort of at a loss, BTTF and SW are the best examples I can point to.
: Again, I'm setting J242 up for a rant here, but Matrix Reloaded was so
: fucking bad, I thought "well, they probably tried to stretch the
: material they had into 2 movies, so surely the third movie must contain
: the bulk of the good stuff". Wrong. While slightly better than
: reloaded, revelations was still a turd * . They had enough for about half
: a movie and stretched it into 2. I love Hollywood!
If the third movie had been really good it would have validated the second, just like if BTTF III had been bad it wouldn't have justified the second and much like the Matrix you would have to say that everything after the first was bad.