: Man, I was blown away with how many shots were CG when it came to Davy
: Jones... I really thought that at least a majority of the close-ups were
: prosthetic and makeup with addition CG conponents but for his ENTIRE
: costume and face to be CG? I think that was a pretty revolutionary example
: of "lifelike" CG. Watch the making of on the second disc, even
: the EYES were CG as they had himin makeup for his eyes and mouth for every
: shot but as they said in the extras that was "just in case" they
: couldn't get a satisfactory result with CG "which NEVER
: happened."... There are definitely many components and shots where
: you could tell it was all CG but the number where it wasn't is what
: suprised me!
Yeah the part that I saw looked really good. But it was on a decade old 14" CRT playing off a tape on a plane.