: Agreed. I'm still having trouble thinking of any other good trilogy examples.
: Lord of the Rings is a bad example because when they made the first one
: they knew they would be making the second and the third, and thus didn't
: even try to make the first one stand on its own, they just (roughly)
: followed the trilogy of books. You really can't call the Indiana Jones
: movies a Trilogy, firstly because there is a fourth in development, and
: secondly because the stories aren't contiguous. I'm sort of at a loss,
: BTTF and SW are the best examples I can point to.
Godfather? I never saw II & III though.
Evil Dead? Doesn't really count since II is basically a remake of I.
Die Hard and Alien counted for a while, but those are more like Indiana Jones in that they are not contiguous and each really can stand on its own.