: Not sure I can ride with that misogynistic sentiment.
I don't hate women. I just told it like it is: they're retarded.
: Women are not any more inherently retarded than men
Actually, they are. Retarded, like most things, is relative. So obviously they'd have to be more retarded, or I would have just said people are retarded.
: though personally I think most of humanity is retarded.
True, but women are more retarded than men, generally speaking.
: Much of the entertainment geared towards women is indeed retarded
Most is a more appropriate word. It's about 90% retarded.
: but the same is true of much of the entertainment geared toward men.
Some, but not most. Pre-game sports talk shows come to mind.
: Most of the time I'm terrible about getting a movie that my GF is more
: interested in then I am.
Ahhhhhhh...that explains it. I didn't realise you were movie shopping for two.