: God I hope you're right, but for comparison, I think about the number of PS2s
: that are owned and compare that to the number of stand-alone DVD players
: out there. I don't really know if the PS3 will make a difference. It's not
: like if HD-DVD wins out, PS3s will stop working, it would be similar to it
: having a proprietary format (like the GC and Wii).
Ahhh, but there are far more entertainment production companies putting out content that is BR exclusive (Sony pictures anyone?)only however all of the companies that are putting out HD-DVD content are also doing so on BR as well with the possible exception of MS for it's Shit-Box 360... This means the majority support BR over HD and I think that's where the real power lies. Industry adoption and support. Whichever format has the most movies will win and for the moment, it's BR by leaps and bounds.