: I'd rather be a wrong pessimist than a wrong optimist. I really believe BD is
: the (far) superior format, but that doesn't guarantee a "win".
: You and Crosis bring up good and valid points, I just have a nagging
: suspicion that HD-DVD may still come out on top. In general, consumers are
: stupid. You see "Blue-Ray Disc" next to "HD-DVD" and
: Joe Average isn't gonna know what either one is, but he'll (possibly) be
: able to infer that "HD-DVD" is some kind of new DVD format.
: (Maybe even be so stupid as to buy an HD-DVD thinking it'll play in a
: regular DVD player).
Another thought that occurs to me is that this is very similar to the VHS/Beta wars, in which VHS (in many ways the technically inferior format) won because it was cheaper. I suspect that a big part of what will decide this war will be which manages to be more price competitive, both in players and in movies.