: Exactly. I didn't already mention that? Funny, that is the crux of my
: argument, I guess I just forgot to mention that part.
Well, both formats cost the same right now and if Sony is able to get the price dropped on BR technology via their PS3 and wider industry support from the MPAA and the various film distribution companies, it helps them bring their cost down lower, faster which in turn gets it into Joe & Jane Q Public's hands much cheaper. :) I think BR will win because it just makes sense at the moment but I'm not putting any money on it. Add to that DELL, Gateway and Sony all coming out with new "Vista-ready" and pre-installed models featuring BR drives and you've got a pretty damned good combo going. Apple is going BR as well so that will also help get the price lowered faster. :) If the DELL that a college student gets for XMas already has it installed, which media are they going to buy?
If HD wants to win this war, they have a pretty heavy uphill battle ahead of them as BR has come out of the gates swinging already and isn't showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon!