: Last time they hyped up MacWorld this much was in 2002 with lines like
: "This one is big. Really Big" and they rolled out things like G4
: iMac, 14" iBook and OS X as the default booting OS. In hind sight, it
: doesn't seem that impressive, but I do remember being totally flipped out
: by the flat panel iMac. Anyways, I'm not expecting anything HUGE. I'll be
: happy to be wrong on this.
The thing about this ad that makes me so curious is the light behind the logo. It visually hints at the logo blocking something out, something better that will be shown. We'll see for sure but I'm not holding my breath or anything, just eagerly anticipating the event! If I had to place a bet on something, it would be a new feature in OSX that was top-secret and no-one expected. Something not unlike how iTunes was so monumental as they were the first to work it out with all of the big companies and while it's not a big deal technically, it was a huge deal financially and legally.