Posted By: Lord Crosis ( Date: Thursday, 4 January 2007, at 5:49 a.m.
Zach... I meant to tell you (and have forgotten for weeks now) that I tried RE4 and a few other GC games on the Wii. They are exactly the same experience as they were on the GC. I was going to say that once you got your Wii you could throw out your GC, and you probably can, however I cannot. One of my favorite games for GC was never released in the U.S. (Nintendo Puzzle Challenge), and so I ordered a Japanese import and the "Free Loader", a loader that allowed the U.S. GC to play Japanese games. I remember I had read somewhere that there was a rumor that maybe Wii might not be region coded. So, I tried just playing the game. The Wii said the disc was unreadable. So then I tried inserting my "Free Loader" disc. The Wii said that was unreadable as well. So, it looks like at the moment I have no way to play NPC, but to hook my GC up again. Assholes!
I also thought that I would mention, while some may claim that Zelda is merely a GC game with the Wii version adding the Widescreen and Wiimote functionality, I would like to clarify that this is only rivaled by RE4 for the title of the Best GameCube Game ever, and that widescreen improves it significantly, as does the Wiimote. The graphics are hard to compare to RE4. RE4 was all about realism, and no Zelda game will ever be focused on realism. They are stunning graphics, and least as stunning as RE4's, in their own way. But we're not really seeing what the Wii is capable of yet.
From what Nintendo and third party developers have said, the Wii is a bit more than twice as powerful as the GC. While this is not enough to allow Wii to pump out HD quality games, it should enable the Wii to do virtually anything imaginable in 480P.