The market. If it wasn't so F-ing volatile, I would love all the speculation, but analysts say that there's an iPhone on the way and if it isn't released at MacWorld, the stock is gonna take a big fall (temporarily). Apple stock is soooooo affected by rumors and analyst predictions in ridiculous. In the long run, it keeps going up though, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
: The thing about this ad that makes me so curious is the light behind the
: logo. It visually hints at the logo blocking something out, something
: better that will be shown. We'll see for sure but I'm not holding my
: breath or anything, just eagerly anticipating the event! If I had to place
: a bet on something, it would be a new feature in OSX that was top-secret
: and no-one expected. Something not unlike how iTunes was so monumental as
: they were the first to work it out with all of the big companies and while
: it's not a big deal technically, it was a huge deal financially and
: legally.