: No, I have not heard (or heard of) that one. I thought i was pretty much on
: top of things when it comes to TR/NIN. I do have some crappy quality
: bootlegs like "Now I'm Nothing" and "Maybe Just Once".
You only have a crappy bootleg? I have the studio version off of the SIN single gold edition and it's a great song! "Maybe. May-be just once, I, get, what's coming to me!!!" ;) Email me man and I'll send you a copy! I've also got Trent and David Bowie live, live w/ Marilyn Manson and a HOST of other misc remixes, re-edts, etc akin to fixed or further down the spiral. :)
: Yeah, didn't I send you that video? Great song.
No, I saw it live and have since found it on youtube while charging MS to basically surf the net and watch free content. hehehe
: That pretty much says it all.
Yeah, I lOVE working for them. lol
: Yeah, let me know. AFAIK, there's only the European leg planned os far.
He'll be coming back stateside to the Gorge at some point. He played there twice on his last tour and the first time was the first time he'd played there and he said that he loved it so he came out for the Sasquatch festival which iunfortunately i couldn't make but WOW! He's the one who checked with the event's organizers to make sure he could come out and play for it. That was also actually the first event where he had the private photographer he hired come out to and get pics. I realy wanted to get one or two pics from the sahow and frame them as art but I wasn't able to make that show so I figured I'm going to wait until I go to the actual show the pics were taken at. ;)