: You only have a crappy bootleg? I have the studio version off of the SIN
: single gold edition and it's a great song! "Maybe. May-be just once,
: I, get, what's coming to me!!!" ;) Email me man and I'll send you a
: copy! I've also got Trent and David Bowie live, live w/ Marilyn Manson and
: a HOST of other misc remixes, re-edts, etc akin to fixed or further down
: the spiral. :)
If I can't find a real copy of that single, then I will take you up on that offer.
: No, I saw it live and have since found it on youtube while charging MS to
: basically surf the net and watch free content. hehehe
Dude, I'm looking at an email dated 9/25/05, from me to you (gmail to gmail) with the subject "Might I return the favor?" which contains the "Non-Entity" video from the MTV Katrina benefit jobby, to which you replied "Sweeeeet... Thanks a lot man! I had been watching and/or showing it to people via MTV's crtappy-ass online version. This rocks, thanks man!"