: Well, I highly doubt that Apple will be making you sign up for Cingular n
: their stores and SJ said that they would be available from Cingular AND
: Apple so I imagine that the initial pricing will stick regardless of plan
: and you choose your plan of choice from there including no plan at all.
: Afterall, it's a Vido iPod, WiFi device that to me seeems like it ALSO has
: the phone services. I don't see it as a phone predominantly with
: everything else, more a unique beast of media convergance. Eh, just my
: take on it though...
I'm pretty sure at the Stevenote he said those prices were with a 2-year Cingular agreement. We sold cell phones at Comp with 2 yr agreements, I don't see why Apple's retail stores wouldn't or couldn't do the same.