: Generally speaking math is one of my biggest strong points as well. That
: doesn't mean that keeping up in Calc isn't a fair amount of work, but I do
: have the highest grade in the class. Chemistry OTOH, I'm not so into. I
: took it to fulfill a natural sciences requirement and a lab requirement,
: and I'm kind of regretting it. Just not my thing.
Well, it's not for everyone. If you have any questions about it though, you know who to ask!
: Computer Science.
Yeah, I should have been able to guess that.
: It's crazy that those are still so hard to get ahold of. I'm sure Nintendo is
: producing them as a fast as they possibly can, so that's quite a lot of
: demand. It's good though, if they sell a ton of them then there is a large
: market for games for them, which means there should be good third-party
: software support.
I think it's a bigger seller than the PS3. I've not seen any really good reviews on almost any games for the PS3. Poor Sony. What happened to them?