: Without ruining it for me, can you tell me if its good all the way through?
: Soooooo many movies as of late start off real good then 1/2-way or 3/4 of
: the way through they get boring and/or stupid and drag on. I'll still see
: The 300 either way, I just would like a heads up if possible.
It starts off like a fable, then builds up quickly to the main event which takes up the majority of the film and the bits not directly related to the action still feel perfectly tied into what's going on. There are only one or two scenes that I felt were either unnecessary or just didn't vibe with the cohesion of the rest of the film but outside of that I think it's pretty damned solid all the way through. The way the entire film is linked via the narration becomes truly clear only at the end and really gave it a nice bow-ie to seal the epic nature of the film. Very good stuff all around and I think you will be satisfied without any doubt. I went expecting to see a graphicly stunning film and nothing else and got more out of it then I expected. :) Keep your expectations realistic or even somewhat low and you will be more more than pleased with the film...