: It looks awesome, though I'm not sure I'll ever be able to accept Topher
: Grace as a real actor. He just always seems like he's playing Eric
: Foreman. Maybe this will be the movie where he finally breaks that for me.
I hear ya there. However, Toby McGuire's take on peter parker always kind of reminded me of a less geeky, slightly nerdier eric foreman. I think that's what Raimi was specifically going for, the anti-spiderman so you take a guy very much like parker but twist him to hatred. I like the idea a lot better than the way the comics made Brock this massive monster of a man and I have faith in Raimi that the movie will ROCK! Plus, Bruce Campbell has another cameo as MYSTERIO!!! Woo-hoo! Villain for S-M4 perhaps? hehehe... That would be so cool. ;)
: I just saw 300. I thought it was pretty good, though I had trouble suspending
: my disbelief when the wolf or any of the persian's animals, or any of the
: "freak" persians came on. The movie should have gone for more
: realism there. We the viewers are trying to believe that this is (at least
: loosely) based on real events, (which it is) and bringing somewhat
: supernatural forces into the battle detracted from that belief. The
: cinematography, and all of the effects (apart from the afore-mentioned)
: were fantastic. The music was adequate, though I think it could have been
: better. The acting was quite good, and somewhat redeems Gerard Butler in
: my eyes after his horrendous performance as The Phantom.
Yeah, he reminds me a TON of Gabby's Uncle Mc in 300 with the notable exception that Mc is just a giant teddy-bear of a guy and I couldn't see him hurting a fly. ;)
Anyhow, I really fell into the film because I was fan of the graphic novel just like Sin City, The Sandman, etc, etc, etc so to see a real life version that looked like the graphic novel came to life right off the page was great for me. :)