: Like in 300 when they call the army "millions" when it was tens of thousands. Still a
: massive force there's no doubt, but which holds more "power" in the scape of things?
That actually seems to be a fairly hotly debated issue, it may actually have been millions, and it was probably at least several hundred thousand.
: You know the Persians (if the tale were told from their
: perspective) would have themselves portrayed as meek, humble and trying to
: make peace yet the spartans would be described at length as giant,
: bloodthirsty monsters who towered over the mountian ridge the fought in.
: ;) It's all a matter of who's telling the tale.
I agree that it is a matter of who's telling the tale, but a big influence on how they tell that tale is cultural, and I don't think the Persians have ever been interested in seeming meek, humble or peaceful.