: Just finally got time to set mine up. So far, pretty f-ing cool, but I have
: one complaint. The vertical coordinates are f'd up. I know how the sensore
: bar is just LEDs and how that works with the Wii remote to act as a
: pointer, but if I have the bar above the TV (with proper Wii config
: settings), then I have to point higher up than the cursor is and if I have
: it below the TV I have to point too low. Am I retarded or is there no way
: of adjusting the vertical offset?
I had a similar issue because the top of the TV I'm using comes to a broad "V" so the sensor was either pointing upward too far or downward too far and what I figured out is that by using folded paper underneath the stand I could control the angle of the sensor better so that if I put it at a slightly downward angle (The TV is up on a set of cabinet speakers and my chair is lower than the base of the TV) then pointing upward at the TV gives me an almost perfect angle.