: I really enjoy the visual glow/oversaturation effect they employ in the Twilight World. Good stuff
: and great handling!
Really goes to show that the Gamecube was powerful enough to make beautiful games, but the real secret is making them fun.
: Wii Play is also incredibly cool. The duck-hunt styled retro "Shooting
: Range" game is fun, playing pool is fun and Laser Hockey is really
: cool as well. Also the "Find Mii" game is a good brain
: game/pattern recognition. :)
Yeah, I haven't picked that up yet, and probably won't until I secure a revenue stream...
: What I'm REALLY waiting for more than anything else are Super Smash Bros.
: Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy. :)
I never really got into the Smash Bros. games, but I eagerly await Metroid and Mario.