: Well, I picked up a copy for Crosis that I'm bringing up with me next week so
: you'll have a chance then! ;)
Excellent, we'll see you real soon!
: Yeah, I hear that! I just don't know, I got down the basic controls pretty
: quickly but hitting those haripin turns is still far more difficult than
: it should be IMO, I think the controls are lacking sensitivity in that
: arena.
The trick is to adjust the controls in-game to where the sensitivity is to your liking. If you would prefer pure joystick, then go for it, or if you like strictly using the accelerometer for control then set it that way. Honestly, timing is as important as control sensitivity in that game. I'm pretty satisfied with maneuverability in SSX, the *one* exception to which is more a course design grip involving the slalom courses rather than any dissatisfaction with the control scheme itself.
: Yeah, I don't think SSBs is going to be a revolutionary or groundbreaking
: play experience, I just think it would be fun to play with the new
: characters and whatnot. Maybe some online play? That would be the biggest
: draw IMO...
I'd be all about some SSB online. Frankly, for a game like that, I'm not even sure I would need/want any accelerometer-based controls. I'd be perfectly happy playing that using the Wiimote as a traditional control (although perhaps they wouldn't be enough buttons to achieve all the desired functions).
: I'm all over Metroid the second it comes out, can't wait for
: that! Mario Galaxy looks interesting but the jury's still out on it IMO
: because it looks like it COULD be as awesome as Mario 64 or as relatively
: unimpressive as Mario Sunshine ya know? Paper mario looks really cool
: though!
Nope, I don't know. I never played sunshine ;-) Honestly, I think with the level of 3D interactivity and especially with the Wii interface, we could easily get a title as good as Mario 64, if not a better one.
: Eh, I'm not a big sports guy, not really my thing but that's cool. :)
My brother is the definition of "not a sports guy", even HE likes hockey games. I just think it would be awesome to have the level of interactivity and more crucially, to have the level of accuracy and control allowed by having the Wiimote represent all stick-handling functions in a hockey game.