June 19th is the release fo the iPhone, it's confirmed...
Posted By: J242( Date: Sunday, 3 June 2007, at 7:15 p.m.
Damn, I was really hoping for a suprise announcement substantiating the rumors of June 10th or 11th so I could get mine and Crosis & Trigger could check it out, play with it and maybe do a bit fo a combined review of it. Maybe a little later? I already have the money set aside so there is no doubt I will have one, I just hope this doesn't end up like the Wii where I'm simply unable to find one for almost 1/2 a year! lol
Anyhow, the video linked to below shows off what most analysts and pundits don't seem to really grasp yet but has been the "killer app" in my mind. The integration with google. Being able to do a location specific search, finding the information relevant and with one click, calling the business or person you need. I personally would get a LOT of use out of this basic fundamental of the system and I can't wait!!!