That's not a problem for me. I don't need ot be scared by a horror movie to enjoy it. And I think it's really difficult to scare me. But it's got to be entertaining, and boobs and gore are always a plus. Which is why I thought Eli Roth was such a genious after Cabin Fever and Hostel. I guess Part II had boobs (mostly ones I didn't want to see) and gore, but in between all that it was kind of painful to watch. And boring.
: I think my problem with virtually all of the new generation of horror movies
: that I have seen previews for seem to simply rely on sheer grostesqueries
: paired with repeated startling moments, all without actually being...
: SCARY...
: Honestly, the last horror flick I saw that truly scared me was "The
: Shining". Everything else I've seen since then pales by comparison to
: say the least. Just my 2ยข.
My dad let me watch that when I was 6. Still scares the shit out of me to this day. Believe it or not, the book is scarier. I had never been scared by a book before that. And maybe not since either.