For my part, I don't NEED to be scared by a horror movie, but I have to be in just the right frame of mind to watch one that isn't scary and enjoy it more than superficially (if at all).
I've been told that The Shining is FAR more frightening in book form, which speaks volumes. I think what I liked about The Shining is that there was intrigue, mystery, some mis-direction and there was a definite conneciton between the characters and the audience. Combined with excellent cinematography and some really good acting on the part of Jack Nicholson, The Shining is (IMHO) the gold standard for what all horror movies should aspire to be.
: That's not a problem for me. I don't need ot be scared by a horror movie to
: enjoy it. And I think it's really difficult to scare me. But it's got to
: be entertaining, and boobs and gore are always a plus. Which is why I
: thought Eli Roth was such a genious after Cabin Fever and Hostel. I guess
: Part II had boobs (mostly ones I didn't want to see) and gore, but in
: between all that it was kind of painful to watch. And boring.
: My dad let me watch that when I was 6. Still scares the shit out of me to
: this day. Believe it or not, the book is scarier. I had never been scared
: by a book before that. And maybe not since either.