: Yeah, I've been following it over on the TetrisAttack.net Forums . Looks
: like it will be reason enough for me to get a DS at some point. I was a
: little disappointed that the online support doesn't include a Time Trial
: mode though.
I had no idea it was in development or anything so thanks for the info and TA updates jackass! ;) Anyhow, I've had two DS's already, the first a standard "Blue" and the most recent a white DS Lite and they are great systems in general! Brain Age, Mario & Luigi Partners In Time, Super Mario, etc are all classics. I've been thinking about picking up Starfox and a variety of other DS games, I just haven't had the time to invest into playing through them all. I think right before my contract ends I'll be getting an official recommendation from my nuerologist for all the games I can so my bene's cover them. ;)