: Never having used Parallels, I'm afraid I can't offer you any solutions for
: your problem. I'm merely writing to note for general discussion that I may
: have to start using Parallels if this is the case. I can't find ANYTHING
: that will prevent my MBP from going to sleep when I close the lid... and
: since I often use it as a home theater PC, it would be nice if this were
: not the case.
: -=(Lord Crosis)=-
I do use Parallels at work on my MB and at home on my MBP. I've never had a problem with either of them not sleeping while running Parallels (or after running Parallels). So, Crosis, you probably don't have to worry.
Mark, try reinstalling Parallels (or updating to the latest version if you don't have it) and make sure the parallels tools is up to date. You might also try searching their forum (forum.parallels.com).