: I thought that was an interesting choice as well, though I have learned to
: live with no ten-key on my MBP (And no, I don't consider the keys that
: numlock sort of turns into a ten-key to be a useful solution). The first
: thing I think when I see the new BT keyboard is that it is the perfect
: Home Theater PC keyboard.
: -=(Lord Crosis)=-
I would tend to agree. Cutting down on size and eliminating keys that aren't really necessary for the purposes of a Home Theatre PC is a logical move IF that is the intent. I gotta say, it would be nice if they had offered a wireless version with the num pad.
Other than that, I think they ought to have made the keys black (maybe even gloss black if they could do that w/out negatively impacting feel) seeing as how the iMac has black highlights. The white just looks out of place IMHO. I still think it's probably got superb feel, i'm eager to test one out....