Like you said, they give '06 away for free. It would be nicer to have everything combined, maybe switch modes or something. But I don't really have much issue with using both versions. Use '08 to slap together the clips in the right order with the desired content. Then use '06 to add the desired effects and transitions.
I'm hoping a . fix will resolve at least some of these issues, but I kind of doubt it will happen before an '09 version (or '10?)
: I've been reading complaints about features having been dropped, like chapter
: markers and other critical editing features. The lack of some of these
: features would actully make it harder to edit a movie. What good is a
: streamlined interface if it prevents you from getting a grip on your work?
: Apple's giving away iMovie '06 for free to owners of iLife '08 because of
: the uproar.