: Feature for feature (minus the display, ha, ha), a lot of Apples machines are
: cheaper than PC vendors. They just don't go as low end as other companies
: do.
After looking around a bit, I honestly can't FULLY agree. While Apple's offerings at any given price point are competitive with similarly priced products from other vendors, I don't believe you can correctly say that they are cheaper on a feature-for-feature basis... I checked out the Mac Minis and iMacs and shopped around at a few of the big-box PC vendors' websites. Generally, what I saw was that you tend to get a little more bang for the buck on the CPU front if you stick with a Mac, but you lose out on RAM and HD space, and in the case of the Mac Mini, I was able to find packages that boasted a bigger hard drive, comparable optical drive, and the same amount of RAM which also included display, keyboard and mouse for slightly cheaper than the cheapest Mac Mini. The only category that the Mini won significantly in was CPU speed....
Don't get me wrong, I love my mini and the few extra bucks for the keyboard and mouse are no big deal, but even a cheap-shit display on top of the $599 price tag knocks you up to the next price bracket, really. Having said that, I believe Apple has gotten a LOT more reasonable in their pricing, and I think pretty much any given mac is worth every penny paid for it; however, a company that wants to believe that everything it makes is designed to a higher standard ought to pay attention to details like this one....