I can put anything in mp3 format on my Razr and use it as a ringtone. It does seem hard to believe that Apple would not have this feature built in just so they can milk people for a few more bucks, but I gotta say, that's what it's starting to look like. I will reserve final judgement for an official announcement, but either way I guess I don't really care since I am not going to pay $400 (and switch to AT&T/Cingular) for a phone anyways.
: Ever wonder why the iPhone, which is also an iPod, won't allow the user to
: select any audio file on his iPhone for use as a ringtone? It's because,
: as I suspected, Apple wants to fleece iPhone users...
: Apple during its media event next Wednesday plans to unveil a new ringtone
: service that will allow iPhone users to turn almost any song sold through
: iTunes into a ringtone for an additional fee, according to the NY Post.
: Nothing says "we despise our customers" like double-charging. Apple
: neuters the iPhone of its inherent capabilities, then charges fees to
: re-endow it. Fuckers!