: I picked it up today... I'm only a few hours in, but I can tell you, it's a
: winner. The first thing you have to know if you buy this game: Switch the
: control mode to expert. Suddenly it becomes everything we hoped the Wii
: could be in a FPS.
I actually don't really like this mode. It's cool as hell to be able to lock on and aim elsewhere, but when there's multiple enemies on screen and you have to not get your ass kicked, it's pretty difficult ot land shots this way. Plus, if you leave the lock on aiming elsewhere option off, it still works when you need it too, like with the Beserker. I'll keep messing with it, I may change my mind eventually, but for now, I guess it's just too difficult for me, especially with far-away enemies.
: The graphics are stunning... They may not have the HD textures that 360 and
: PS3 games, have, but they are better designed than anything for any other
: platform. They definitely show that the Wii is capable of significantly
: better graphics than the GC, plus they are in 480p and 16x9. So far
: though, the overall experience can be summed up in one word: Polished.
: This is the best Wii game so far.
I'm definitely digging this game. But, the controls are a bitch to get used to. And I don't care much for the ship's controls, it's rather gimmicky. You pretty much just read on screen commands and then do that. That's not really interesting to me.(although Zelda was way more gimmicky - I didn't really like the new Zelda much at all). The pull-turn-push locks are cool, but the control isn't quite right. Most of the time I have to pull bay way too much, turn (works fine) and then I barely push and it locks in. Kind of takes you out of the game a bit. I didn't like changing visors at first, but now it's become second nature. The actual game play is pretty sweet though. I don't know, I thought the first MP was a damn near perfect game - among my top 3 GC games (along with WW and RE4). MP2 was OK but the fucked it up. So far I'm liking MP3 better than 2. I'm looking forward to stacked weapons too (even though i really liked and became adept and changing weapons in the first 2) - this was one of my favoritethings about the side-scrolling Metroid games.