: Using that logic, you are only entitled to bitch about George Bush if you
: contributed to his election campaigns or have personally been abducted by
: his goons and sent to Guantanamo to be tortured.
No, your logic is faulty. If you were of voting age at the time of the last election, you only have the right to bitch about the president if you, yourself voted. If you didn't vote and formally state your choice, you don't have a right to bitch about the outcome. But great job of putting words in people's mouths as usual asshole.
: Of course, your logic is flawed.
Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.
We have the right to complain about anything
: worthy of complaint, and Apple's corrupt business practices are indeed
: worthy of complaint.
Yeah, Apple being corrupt. Now, let me ask you something. Apple is corrupt compared to what exactly? Microsoft? IBM? Sony? Overstock.com? Any of the .com's from the early 90's? The mafia? You toss "corrupt around as if it's some sort of automatic black and white and I'm curious what your definition entails...
: My best friend bought a 20" iMac at my recommendation. Image my disgust
: when I noticed dithering, did some research, and found out the horrible
: truth.
Yeah, wow. Someone who isn't a graphic designer and most likley is simply a home user (considering you didn't go on and on about that like you normally would) versus a pro user (meaning he wouldn't have needed your input in the first place) bought a solid piece of equipment that YOU felt didn't live up to what THEY expected. So, let me ask in ALL HONESTY, are they upset with their purchase? Has the ditherin affected their life? Has it cost them money from this supposed lack of quality? See, Zach is a regular on here and he doesn't notice the dithering enough for it to be a problem. I kind of take his word a few leaps and bounds above yours based on your respective industries. His has MUCH more attention to detail with MUCH more focusing on screens, yet he doesn't see a problem with them, YOU do however. Hmmm, which side should I choose?
Fortunately his eyesight is sub-par,
Wow, I'm sure your friend would appreciate your evaluation on his eyesight. Are you sure this is a friend of yours and not some fucked-up inlaw you don't like or something?
and he apparently doesn't
: notice it. If he had great vision and a keen sense for color like I do,
Yeah, I'm oh-so-sure you have an amazingly keen sense of vision and color perception. Seeing as all of the graphics you've displayed have been so well designed and whatnot. Oh, what's that JT-Wanna-kenobi? You don't know how to blend your crops? Please. I don't buy a word of your self induldgent propoganda until you can show it. I think this is ONE place where Crosis may be able (Not neccesarily willing mind you) to back me up. I have a DAMNED good eye for color, blends, depth and tone. I have prints sold of my designs and Trigger can aslo attest to my modeling in 3D environments. So please, show me how you can have so much more of a calibrated eye for visual media than I do. Post some links, then back them with source files in an email if you honestly want to try and claim this bullshit like you are right now. Step up tree-trimmer...
: I'd have some embarrased explaining to do for recommending an expensive
: computer with a shitty display.
Sure you have, sure you have...
: Just a little perspective for you on why I'm taking this issue exceptionally
: personally. I'm always telling people, "get a Mac," and when
: they take my advice this is how Apple treats them. Fuck Steve Jobs.
Yeah, see you are the first person I've ever personally seen bitching about this. I have yet to meet a single person that I've worked with in the video, multimedia and graphics fields here in the MAJOR METROPOLITAN area of Seattle that has had a problem, but somehow in your littel small town, eveyone can see the problem? I call bullshit. I think you are blowing something out of proportion in order to get attention whereas people who it REALLY affects (Like Crosis, Trigger, Zach and Myself) are maybe 50/50 on the case. Some see it as a problem, the majority don't and other's prefer it. (I'm not lending credence to any viewpoint on this specific case mind you, I have problems with EVERY CRT and LCD I've ever worked with) That's just life and I think you are simply tooting your own horn and blowing things out of proportion in order to feel important.
Now, I really have to wonder which categorie the "user" you describe falls under:
1.) Normal person who doesn't care one way or another and is happy with their purchase
2.) Made up fictional character you are using to try to substantiate an arguement
3.) Normal person who didn't care one way or another and was happy with their purchase until you convinced them not to be by what you personally saw as an outrage...
My money's on number 3...
: I'm not a Lenovo user, nor have I recommended Lenovo to anyone. For the
: record, they are shitheads too. But I'm not taking their actions
: personally, since I'm not a customer.
Gee, well when was the last time you bought a new MacBook Pro? Oh, you haven't? Then you aren't a customer of that product either! Hypocrisy in action!
: Yeah...it's so rough of me to expect them to advertise honestly, and to put
: out a product of a quality that is commensurate with its price. An 18-bit
: display is what one expects in a $600 package from Compaq, not a
: $1200-1500 Mac.
Again, you ask for fair advertising without holding the entire industry to blame. You are using Apple as a scapegoat for a wide-spread problem. Get over it already...
: That's what I was thinking about you: Steve put you up to it.
Yeah, he called me up on the bew 8 gig iPhone he just sent me and told me to tell you that! Your attempt at humor is pathetic JT...
: What does workflow have to do with anything? If a TV is advertised as HD and
: it displays at only 480 lines, it's not impeding any workflow...and it
: doesn't have to. All it has to do to warrant complaint (and lawsuit) is
: fail to perform as advertised.
What is the legal definition of HD? If the legal definition is established as 1080i/p then they would be legally viable for a lawsuit for faulty advertising. This is NOT the case. Deal with it. It sucks, yes but you need to get off your high-horse and quit bitching so much about things that really hold no relevance to you.
Ditto the iMac (or MacBook): if it's
: advertised as diplaying millions of colors, and people buy it in the good
: faith that it does, then when they find out it displays only thousands of
: dithered colors everyone in the world is entitled to deride Apple over the
: issue.
Anyone who really needs the millions of colors would see from a siungle instance that it wasn't the case an choose NOT to buy one. Do you really think designers are so stupid as to not test-drive their equipment before a purchase?
: You're such a hypocrite. You never hold back criticism of Microsoft when they
: deserve it,
Huh, I think you said it best right there. "When they deserve it"!!!
regardless of whether you've bought the products being
: criticised. But Apple can do no wrong, so long as their wrongs don't cut
: into your profits.
Huh, how many years have you spent in the IT industry JT? Zero? Hey, I tell you what, you might want to consider educating yourself on the corporate processes that every major company goes through before bitching up such a storm with your infantile tantrums. Google, Sun, HP, Xerox, MS, Sony, they all go through the same shit, just not as publically because they (with the exception of MS) aren't as exposed to the limelight or as sought-after as Apple. Now, just in case you think I'm full of shit, I'll simply state that I work for the most predominant software company in the US at this point and am workign on multiple projects for them across multiple platforms and have some level of knowledge towards the eventual goals of them. To sum it up though, Apple has their 5 year strategies trumped. So learn to pick your battles and quit bitching every chance you get at the underdog, they are adapting to the reality of the marketplace as they grow larger and you are simply delusional if you thought for even a moment it wouldn't happen this way.
If you decide to bitch about your tree-trimming company, who am I to argue? You obviously have a better idea from working for them than I right? You seriously need to know your place JT and it is NOT in the IT industry! Go back to your simple little life of manual labor and don't get into the discussion unless you have a question that someone above you can help with m'kay?