: Ever wonder why Apple releases a product and then several months later
: releases an updated version?
No, I've never wondered. I know exactly why: so they can fleece their customers to death. Why take a little longer and do it right the first time, when you can charge your customers full price every year or two for bug-fixes and minor enhancements?
: bitching about $1 a ringtone seems simply rediculous
Only when viewed through the haze of Steve's RDF. Paying the same amount for a ringtone that you'd pay for the whole song from which it's made is retarded. I don't mind Apple trying to make a buck off the lazy and stupid, but rather with them hiding the ringtone directory on the iPhone so the ambitious and intelligent have to jump through hoops or pay for third-party software to use ringtones they've made themselves. That's inexcusable.
: compared to how they potentially canabalized their own sales
: by releasing what many people wanted. An iPhone
: witout the phone part attached and more memory.
You say that as if the iPod Touch was pulled out of Steve's ass in a month...
: Bitch all you want but I honestly believe that this is a prime example of
: Apple paying attention to their user base and filling the demand that they
: requested/wished for/(or in your type of case) demanded...
...Yep, it sure looks like you think the iPod Touch was brought to market as an afterthought...
: They just cut into their own profits by making the iPod "touch"
: available to the masses as well as cut the costs on their premium haheld
: offerring. How are you going to spin this to be a bullshit move JT?
...Mmmmhhhh, that's definitely what you're thinking. Lay off the chronic, dude. The iPod touch was planned a long time ago. Its release may even have been delayed to ensure stronger initial sales of the iPhone. It's been in development as long as the iPhone, guaranteed, and maybe even longer. I can easily imagine it being the inspiration for the iPhone...you know, taking the concept further.
: And? You seem to think that cell providers don't do this on a regular basis.
: Ever seen MTV before? They charge users anywhere between 3 and 8 dollars a
: month simply to have a GRAPHIC as their phone's background and people are
: willing to pay for it. If there's a market, someone will exploit it.
There's a difference between taking advantage of consumer stupidity, and creating artificial demand as Apple has done in hobbling the iPhone's inherent abilities. If they would just provide easy access to the ringtone directory for those intelligent enough to make their own ringtones, and say to the rest "you can buy ringtones from the iTunes Store," then I'd have no complaint.
: See, my three cell phones don't even give me the option
: for a customized ringtone and multiple companies charge
: monthly fees for such services.
Apple is better than some, therefore they are good? That's poor logic.
: I'm not trying to be some rediculous "Apple Apologist"
You might not be trying, but you are succeeding.
: No, nothing says "We despise our customers" like not investing in
: new technologies and only skimming by with antiquated bullshit then
: renaming it and charging $100 more for it!
You mean like the iMacs and MacBooks with 18-bit dithered color displays?
: What do you get in your neck of the woods anyways?
: Sprint, AT&T, MAYBE Verizon? I doubt T-mobile or Alltel or Qwest
AT&T/Cingular, USCellular, Nextel, T-Mobile, Qwest, Sprint, Verizon. I'm not sure about Alltel. They don't all cripple the phones.