: No, I've never wondered. I know exactly why: so they can fleece their
: customers to death. Why take a little longer and do it right the first
: time, when you can charge your customers full price every year or two for
: bug-fixes and minor enhancements?
So, you're saying that the natural product cycle of updating your software and hardware lines is "fleecing" consumers? WOW... As far as charging for bug fixes and whatnot, that's what the updates are for. You are thinking about MS more than Apple here.
: Only when viewed through the haze of Steve's RDF. Paying the same amount for
: a ringtone that you'd pay for the whole song from which it's made is
: retarded.
Ummm, again, it's a growing industry where every other provider charges not only for the song but charges you a monthly fe as well. You really like your ringtone? Well, if you want to keep it for saaaay, three months, you're talking anywhere in between 10 and 28 bucks depending on the provider. That's the norm at this point with the majority of services offering this capability. Not at all unlike subscription based music services. I prefer to own what I purchase and have unlimited use with a single fee. Apple meets my preferences and simply paying OEN dollar to not only have a ringtone but select whatever portion of the song I prefer and customize it to my specific preferences is a good deal in my mind as a consumer that is likely to use the service.
: I don't mind Apple trying to make a buck off the lazy and
: stupid, but rather with them hiding the ringtone directory on the iPhone
: so the ambitious and intelligent have to jump through hoops or pay for
: third-party software to use ringtones they've made themselves. That's
: inexcusable.
Ummm, so it's inexcusable for Apple to try to make money and not make it completely obvious to anyone how to bypass their attempt? Oh, I'm sorry, how many times have you seen a car give instructions on how to swap your engine for a more efficient one in the owner's manual? Oh, wait a minute, in order to do that you have to know what you're doing? What criminals! How dare they! lol
Or, how about your chainsaw giving you information freely on how to up the horsepower then giving you a kit so you can do it for free all by yourself! Dude, it's not going to happen, that's simply not realistic as it goes against the entiore point of "business", which yet again is to make money.
Seriously man, you're taking this WAAAAY too far and complaining about something that really isn't a problem.
: You say that as if the iPod Touch was pulled out of Steve's ass in a month...
What are you talking about? All I said was that they are potentially canibalizing iPhone sales by releasing the Touch. All of the perks of the iPhone yet no need to switch your service or pay AT&T. Talking about the time-frame they released it at has nothing to do with the conversation unless you are trying to imply some sinister scheme other than standard business, you know making money?
: ...Yep, it sure looks like you think the iPod Touch was brought to market as
: an afterthought...
No, I don't think that in any way. Pretty much everyone knew at some point they woudl release the technology into a non phone-based model. It only makes sense so stop trying to put words in my mouth.
: ...Mmmmhhhh, that's definitely what you're thinking. Lay off the chronic,
: dude.
Ummm, no. It's not what I was thinking and I actually don't smoke but thanks for the false categorization. It seems to be a recurring theme with you on this thread.
: The iPod touch was planned a long time ago. Its release may even
: have been delayed to ensure stronger initial sales of the iPhone. It's
: been in development as long as the iPhone, guaranteed, and maybe even
: longer. I can easily imagine it being the inspiration for the iPhone...you
: know, taking the concept further.
Duh, no one is saying otherwise. All I'm saying is that Apple (unlike oh so many companies) are listening to their user base. Users want certain technology. These users are quite vocal about their ideas. Apple takes note and works towards them. I'm sure the iPhone/iTouch all have to do with this as the entire concept of tactile UI navigation has been around in sci-fi movies for decades and people have always seemed to love the idea with Hollywood going so far as to develop elaborate special effects to show what "it could be like" in the future with the tech. Tablet PC's and WACOM tablets are another great example. The tech has been desired for a long time and Apple paid attention to that and made it happen for their users and their own benefit. What is hard to understand about this?
: There's a difference between taking advantage of consumer stupidity, and
: creating artificial demand as Apple has done in hobbling the iPhone's
: inherent abilities. If they would just provide easy access to the ringtone
: directory for those intelligent enough to make their own ringtones, and
: say to the rest "you can buy ringtones from the iTunes Store,"
: then I'd have no complaint.
Again, how many pieces of equipment have you owned in your lifetime that give you the option to go ahead, take them apart at their respective physical or code levels and then support you in doing so? The majority of products released and the companies that release them world-wide do not do this. In a perfect world, yeah, that would have been cool for Apple to have done, and it's quite likely that at some point in the future they will support this based on user demand but this is the first version and as it is, I don't have any complaints about their initial efforts towards it. It's better than any of the competition's offerings...
: Apple is better than some, therefore they are good? That's poor logic.
No, it's better than anything else I've seen on the market. Hands down, it is a superior "overall" product. The EDGE data connection is rather lame but the wifi more than makes up for it considering it's not using some POS WEP browser like every other phone on the market. The blackberries, Windows Mobile, Palm and Symbian (combined taking up easily 75-85% of the market) all only use crappy, limiteid functionality browsers that cripple the internet. The fact that they have a true HTML browser more than makes up for the slower cell-based data connection. Granted, if I was in a less WI-FI connected city, I may feel differently about that but I live in Seattle and we've got the highest open-network "cloud" density (per capita) in the world here so the Wi-Fi is all I need. I would've liked more storage capacity, I would've liked a lot of things that other phones do but with everything combined, it's the perfect phone for my uses. There has yet to be a phone that matches it's capabilities and direct compatibility with my preexisting systems.
: You might not be trying, but you are succeeding.
So, because I can explain that some users have higher demand for their products than others and I call you out for whining about a product you'd likely never own in the first place that in no way directly affects you personally or professionally I'm an Apple apologist? Whatever man, keep drinking your kool-aid.
: You mean like the iMacs and MacBooks with 18-bit dithered color displays?
Funny, again. How does this affect you professionally or personally? I'd bet money that you wouldn't have been able to tell unless you had read on article about it in the first place. Crosis, he ahs a legitamite gripe as he uses his purchase towards avenues where this could actually make a difference. Now, just a head's up for you. Toshiba, Dell and Samsung LCD's all show dithering on the image Crosis posted yet no one's bitching about them and they also claim far higher color amounts displayable naturally and only through dithering so where's your gripe against them in all of this? Also, how exactly is it that you came to the conclusion that Apple is charging you an extra $100 bucks for a lower quality screen? Oh, that's right, it's the only point you're considering. Completely disregard the optical drive upgrades, Hard Drive upgrades, RAM upgrades, Processor upgrades and overall upgrades all across the board,. It's ALL about Apple using a descriptive word about a screen, that doesn't affect you in the first place, and you're mad about that. Whatever man... You seriously have way too much time on your hands digging this crap up at every opportunity.
: AT&T/Cingular, USCellular, Nextel, T-Mobile, Qwest, Sprint, Verizon. I'm not
: sure about Alltel. They don't all cripple the phones.
Oh really? Try telling that to Motorola, Nokia, or any of the actual DEVELOPERS of the devices, not the carriers. AT&T had little to nothing to do with the development of the iPhone, that was all Apple. However, they do indeed cripple their phones. Let's take Nextel/Sprint for example. in order to be classiied as a business phone and be applicable for a variety of their specific business plans,the device manufacturers have to add the walkie-talkie "push-to-talk" function into their hardware which takes up more space and battery power that many might prefer to use for more memory, better screens, a better or more robust radio, etc, etc, etc. Do you think that's not crippling the manufacturer in what they can develop for their prospective customers? How about T-mobile having exclusivity contracts with a variety of manufacturers like Danger where they don't allow the company to develop products for other providers? Is that not potentially crioppling this private company or the services they could provide?
Bad argument JT, you are absolutely off in left field on the last one. You haven't ever had to work in the industry and deal with these providers in activating their devices for people. I did for a while and yeah, the providers are pretty seriously fucked up and overall don't give a rat's ass about their customers. T-Mobile? Their headquarters are in Bellevue, AT&T? Redmond. The entire GSM sector of the wireless community is based primarily out of the Pac NW and they push their services HARD out here to the tens of thousands of tech geeks working and living in the area.