: So, the iphone price dropped 200 dollars!!!!!!!!!! YES! But, my only delima
: is that you HAVE to get that 60 dollar plan. Im kind of confused about
: that. If i buy an iphone, can i just sync it with my preexisting plan like
: if i just bought anyother random phone?
No, it's a new 2 year activation plan only. However, if you have poor credit, then (from what I've heard) AT&T will allow you to pay month-to-month on it and you can possibly get some kind of termination on your old plan in order to do so. I definitely can't promise anything on that end but I've heard that it's worked for some people although I don't know of any specific cases within my own experiences.
: My old cell phone broke, its
: defanitly time for an upgrade, but i defanitly dont need the slow phone
: internet(got wi-fi everywhere) and i use unlimited texting. Could i just
: use my iphone with an existing plan? Thats basically it. Anybody think
: theyll co me out with a version wtih a bigger hard drive before christmas?
Nope and not a chance. They just announced the price drop, I don't think there's any way in hell you'll see a larger HD in there before Spring of next year at the earliest. Think about it, the Touch only has 8 and 16 gigs respectively and that's probably because it doesn't have the phone's radios or camera in it so they had a bit more room for more memory. Flash memory is tiny and all but it's not THAT tiny at an affordable rate just yet.