: Steve's pole, perhaps?
So first you try to insult based on the false accusation of drug use and now try to go with questioning of sexuality? Wow, your "Christian" values are really shining here.
: No, I'm saying Apple's rapid meth-head pace of updating every year and
: charging full price all over again is fleecing their customers. They add
: supprt for a new codec to QuickTime Pro, and want $30 all over again.
: That's the sort of thing I'm talking about.
"Meth-head pace"? Once a year and then an instance of once (which agreed is rediculously soon) within two months is comparable to a methamphetamine addiction? You take this WAAAAY too fucking seriously and it's part of the reason I keep arguing the points with you. You sound like any of the recent evangelical right-wingers who've gotten caught soliciting gay sex. Your analogy for an extra $30 for the current QT Pro is bizarre. I'm fully up to date and never had to pay a cent other than my initial pro purchase. I'm running 7.2 right now, was never asked for more money, got a variety of fixes and "extended H.264" support with no problem at all. If the "new codec" you wanted is not an apple product and is developed by a 3rd party, that's on them. Not at all unlike if you want to use DiVx pro package codecs in WMP, they charge you. Is that Microsoft's fault? No. Please link to this $30 codec you had to pay for in order to continue using the standard features included in Pro.
: Microsoft doesn't charge for service packs. Apple will ignore annoying bugs
: until the next paid upgrade. If you've been keeping MacOS and Windows
: up-to-date since OSX and XP were first released, you'll have spent a lot
: more on OSX than on Windows. Yeah, OSX is better, but it shouldn't cost
: $130 every year or two.
Apple doesn't charge for service packs either, they just don't label them service packs. Are you honestly suggesting that OSX.2 and X.3 were the same OS, only with a service pack addition? lol X.5 is different than X.4 as well, just as different as Vista Enterprise is from Home Premium. Guess what, you have to pay to get the upgraded feature set there too. This is nothing new, nor is Apple solely to blame for it.
Adobe Creative Suite, should you get CS3 for free because you had CS2? It's not a new suite of apps, it's just updates ala your poor "SP" analogy so you pay for the new version. Also, Windows only calls their major updates "Service Packs" because it sounds better than the reality of the situation which is "Shitload of hotfixes, performance tweaks and bug fixes with the occasional random extra function added here or there".
: Blah, blah, blah. The point is clearly beyond your comprehension level, as
: I've already addressed your faulty logic of "Apple are'nt quite as
: bad, therefore we should worship them."
I'm not saying Apple should be worshipped, no private business should be worshipped. That's a word you are comfortable with, not I. I am saying that Apple offers a superior product to the primary competition on the market in every category and I prefer their products even at their premium price point. Just like I'd rather have a Saab or a Subaru than a Ford or a Kia. Sure, they all do the same relative things but ease of use, dependability and performance are worth the extra money for me. You sit here pointing fingers tryign to say my logic is faulty without giving any concrete examples of this being the case. Only a gross misunderstanding and assumption on what my thoughts are based on your limited concepts.
: Simply put: yes. If they hid the preferences folder and made us pay them $1
: every time we need a corrupt plist file deleted, it would be analogous to
: this situation, and I'm sure you'd be just as pissed as me over something
: like that. So why are you sucking Steve's cock in gratitude for charging
: you $1 to make ringtone from a song for which you've already paid?
Hmmm, how do you add an MP3 as a ringtone on a Blackberry? How about on an HTC Touch? What about any of the first 3 gen RZR's? Nokia N-Gage? iPaq phone editions? Palm Treo? Your problem is you keep trying to isolate one company for all the problems you have with their device while not understanding the reality of the majority of the market. Your complaints are vaiable only when you include the majority of the market into account as well. Hell, what about ANY verizon based phone in the world? In order to use any of the songs you "purchase" through their system as a ringtone, you not only pay the 1$ but they are so rediculously DRM ridden that even if you go through the effort and irritation of syncing them back up to your computer, you can't do anything else with them and the audio quality is pathetic. But, of course we don't hear you complaining about that sad state of affairs which affect MILLIONS of people around the world, no the iPhone not having a direct way to DIY ringtones is SOOO much worse...
: These are faulty analogies. A proper analog would be this situation: the
: chainsaw manufacturer makes it so I have to go to a shop and pay labor
: fees to have the spark plug replaced. Or the car manufacturer makes it so
: I have to pay a technician to fill the tank with gas. Again, I'm sure
: you'd be outraged over such nonsense, but for some reason you love Steve
: for doing the same thing with the iPhone and ringtones.
Well, if you have ever been throguh Oregon, you DO have to pay an attendant to fill your gas for you. Other areas of the country have this in effect as well so I guess that shoots oone of your analogies right to shit doesn't it? lol Now, let's say you have a car under warantee, if you go in and change anything under the hood (depending on the warantee) you can void your service contract or have to pay extra for them to put back in their specific brands, etc. Not all vehicles or sales groups do this but some do, going so far as to charge you for normal warantee maintenence if you've done anything to it yourself instead of having them handle it. Case in point, an oil filter I put in, I had to pay for the new one from my dealership because I used an off brand one that they didn't "support" based on the terms of my warantee/service plan.
: No, they are not. Nobody was going to buy the iPhone, which must be activated
: with AT&T before any of its functions are available, without the intention
: of using it as a phone. The iPod Touch is not going to cannibalise iPhone
: sales. Nothing "potential" about it.
Yeah, out of those hundreds of thousands of people who bought the iPhone, not a SINGLE one only took the phone contract as well because they wanted the tech. Is everything black or white in your world JT? It sure sounds that way. You really think that there was no one who purchased them in order to have the other functions as their primary reason for the purchase?
: Not all of the perks: it isn't a phone. No cannibalisation here.
It's a touch screen iPod with WiFi and a larger screen. Many peopel have been willing to deal with the phone plan in order to have that. Crosis knows my upstairs neighbor Tim, he bought one for precisely that reason and is happy with the extra $100 back but would've rather had the Touch in the first place as he already had a phone before that.
: Nice try. You can't turn it around now. You implied Apple had no iPod Touch
: plans until after they announced the iPhone and people said "I want
: an iPod like that." It's a ridiculous notion, which is what I was
: pointing out.
No, here's allow me to quote myself as I said NO such thing.
"Bitch all you want but I honestly believe that this is a prime example of Apple paying attention to their user base and filling the demand that they requested/wished for/(or in your type of case) demanded...
They just cut into their own profits by making the iPod "touch" available to the masses as well as cut the costs on their premium haheld offerring. How are you going to spin this to be a bullshit move JT?"
Now where exactly did I say that they didn't have any plans until after the iPhone was released? Or, are you maybe referring to an earlier part of the post where I said:
"However with the most recent announcement, bitching about $1 a ringtone seems simply rediculous compared to how they potentially canabalized their own sales by releasing what many people wanted. An iPhone witout the phone part attached and more memory."
Again, nothing mentioned about them "having no iPod touch plans until after they released the iPhone". So, please when trying to put words in my mouth, reply to the direct section and back it with quotes in the future m'kay? I wasn't inferring anything of the sort. You are making broad assumptions with no reality to support them.
: No, they really aren't. They haven't listened to complaints about the crappy
: displays they've been putting in the MacBooks and iMacs. Their idea of
: "responding to demand" for an iTower was to create the
: Mini...not quite what the user base was asking for.
Wow, do you work for Apple? It sure seems like you really know exactly what they're thinking and what they are planning at all times! lol Get over yourself, you are playing the guessing game before and after the facts like everyone else. As far as listening to complaints over the screens and "iTower" we'll see on both counts. We've been asking Microsoft for a vareity of features, product revisions, design changes, etc for over a decade now and they haven't listened at ALL until someone starts to eat into their market share and then they go balls out to copy them in every way. Huh, that kind of goes the same with Dell, Sony, HP, Gateway, yeah just about every single tech compnay in the business! Guess what JT, here's a harsh little reality for you that you really need to accept. Big companies don't give a shit about you. They don't give a shit about the majority of the public unless a product is "malfunctioning" and then it's all a matter of whether or not it will be more expensive to fix it, or deal with the lawsuits. That is the consumer culture we live in and the sooner you finally come to terms with this reality, the better off you'll be.
: They satisfied maybe
: half of the people who wanted a low-cost tower. To the rest, they said
: "fuck off."
Where's my electric car? Where's my all-wheel drive standard on every vehicle sold in icy or slick conditions? Where's my renewable energy conversion kit for any vehicle I may ever want to buy? No consumer group will ever be satisfied as people will ALWAYS want more. Again, you are singling out ONE company when ALL are guilty. It's simply the normal modus operandi for private business in this country.
: They still haven't released MacOS Xintel sans TPM.
Nor will they. Steve is never going to pull a clone debacle again and doing so would eat into their prime market seeing as they make the majority of their money off of hardware still. While you're at it, why not try expecting the federal government to push aggresive energy independence reform over the next year so that we're free of foreign fuels within two years?
: There's still no Get Info panel built into the Finder window available in
: all view modes...not even in the upcoming Leopard. After all these years
: they're still not listening on that one. WTF?
Wow. WO-OW... Let me guess, you submitted something similar to a DCR/feature request on this, a bunch of people all said "that's a great idea!" and you have been carrying the torch ever since? Guess what, they are a private company and can choose to do whatever they want, just like any other company. You aren't their boss and straight out from personal experience on the matter, the louder you bitch and piss and moan about something not oging in, the less likely they are to even consider it.
: They come up with some really "cool" stuff and make people feel
: good about forking over money in a perpetual cycle, but they aren't really
: listening to the people from whom they take that money.
Oh, they aren't? So, you're saying that bringing back spring-loaded folders had nothing to do with customer desire I guess. Yeah, and adding customer-centric applications like iPhoto, iMovie, iTunes, iDvd, etc, etc are all because they didn't think about what the people wanted who give them their money too right? Huh, interesting world-view you've got there JT.
: They're listening
: to their shareholders instead. Steve said essentially "too bad, fuck
: off" to early iPhone adopters concerning the $200 premium they paid,
: and only changed his tune when Apple's stock price dropped 6% over the
: affair.
Again, you keep focusing on one company only when as usual, it's an industry-wide problem. Do you think MS offered any refunds or even the most basic support for application compatibility issues that resulted from users uprading to their wiz-bang "Vista" OS? No, they told their customers to deal with it as it's not their problem. Too bad, so sad. Regardless of what their stock is doing, that's just the way they handle it. The same goes with Sony, Ford, Phillips, and any other major company that develops products for people. At least in the case of Apple, Jobs came out and publically addressed the issue and did SOMETHING for the early adopters. Granted, it's definitely not the same as a full $200 refund in any way, but the fact remains, he DID address the problem. When was the last time you saw a CEO address a problem the public had with their products unless their jobs were on the line for the mistake?
: You are high.
Great, here we go again... Shall I start saying you should pull your nose out of your bible to see reality?
: We're not talking about decompiling any software. We're talking
: about allowing people to use the GUI that's already built into MacOS to
: transfer some files to the iPhone, rather than requiring them to fork
: money over to Apple on a pay-per-use basis.
Ummm, yeah and guess what, you can DO that RIGHT NOW!
: I explained that before: I recommend Macs to people. I recommended the iMac
: to my best friend, not knowing the display would be crap, as no Mac mag
: ever mentioned it (since they're paid off by Apple). I'm typing this post
: at his place right now, and I can see the dithering in the photos he has
: cycling on his desktop background. It pisses me off.
Then don't buy one! Do you see me on here bitching and complaining about the dropped features from specific apps in Vista that should have been included because they were there in previous versions? No! Why? Because it's pointless and I can use my wallet to make my vote for me. That speaks far louder than anything I could say on a forum that isn't paid attention to from anyone with any power to actually change things!
: I recommend Apple
: products to people, and they fork over big money, and this is how Apple
: rewards us? Fuck Steve!
Fuck Steve? Man, you take this shit way too personally. Yeah, Steve had it in for you all along JT. He was gunning specifically just for you to piss you off. Sorry everybody! Your dithering problems are all because of Steve Jobs being mean and surely have nothing to do with a company trying to make more money so you all have to still go out and buy the product with the display that casuses your eyes to hemmorage and your brain to melt because of course none of you can make up your minds for your damned selves.
: Who is paying premium prices for these? Nobody. Apple charges premium prices,
: and Apple has a reputation for quality. I expect more from them. And I
: expect honesty in advertising from any business. I hope they get their
: asses handed to them in court over this.
Wait a minute, Toshiba, Samsung and Sony don't charge premiums for certain models that have their own problems? Are you fucking kidding me?! lol You expect honesty in advertising from a business? You do understand that advertising is nothing but the intent to make someone what to buy your product by any means neccesary don't you? Also, as far as getting their "asses handed to them in court", yeah, that's a great way to fix the problem. Make it so the product prices rise even more based on recouping the costs associated with a hardware refresh and court costs. Then you just go back to your constant argument of them being too expensive all over again and it just keeps going on and on and on.
: Actually, more than an extra $100. If I built my own PC with the iMac's
: specs, and with a 24" display with true 24-bit color, it would come
: in a couple hundred below the 20" iMac. Premium prices should buy
: premium hardware, not cheap shitware like Compaq sells.
We aren't talking about building your own PC here. I've done that before as well multiple times with better specs than my "at the time current" mac hardware and they didn't last nearly as long so I had to keep going through new software, buy new parts, find the best drivers for those components and in general go through infinitely more bullshit to get them functional and stay functional. Granted the Windows nightmare itself is the cause of the majority of these problems but that's just it. OSX isn't going to be legally available for non TPM systems anytime in the near future barring some crazy changes at Apple which will lead to an entirely new set of problems for them which you will then be screaming until you're blue in the face about.
Even if Apple released an iTower, recalled every single new iMac, macbook and macbook pro to replace their screens, gave every early iPhone adopter a free $250 gift card that could also be used on iTunes, made the ringtone folder public (even though just having a m4r file in your iTunes library will automatically sync it to your iPhone for you, nothing manual about that stage of the process) and added the "Get Info" panel for you and they did this all overnight you'd have something new to bitch about and be screaming "Fuck Jobs!" and claim that anyone who says otherwise is "Sucking his cock" or whatever other closet homosexual fantasy you're fixated on this week. Although maybe it'd take you a month or two so we could be free of you for a while, in that case yeah fuck jobs! lol