: For my part, I have no land-line, and with how often I've moved over the last
: year or so, I've been pretty satisfied with having an unlimited cell phone
: plan. Having said that, AT&T's plans are NOTHING compared to the current
: CellOne, ACS, or Digitel plans up here, especially when it comes to
: unlimited minute plans (which I take FULL advantage of), and honestly, the
: iPod touch satisfies most of my 'cravings' for the iPhone's capabilities.
: The iPod Touch is for me. For sure.
Up in AK, none of the major continental providers really hold any clout. Up there you guys have some pretty amazing test systems for 3G, GSM, and other "radio" frequencies but it really sucks at the same time because none of the advancements are presented to you. When I was still up there I was just waiting for one of "the big boys" to come up and start flexing a little muscle but it never happened. It sucks, you guys need the long range communications far more than any area I can think of in the lower 48 but get none of the network development. Oh well. The last time I was actually living up there I had Alaska Digitel and it was okay. My phones worked from about Eklutna to Girdwood and that was about it other than a few other spots but from what I've seen on my last visits, they've gotten better. Still, CDMA and TDMA blow ass and I hope you guys can get switched over to GSM soon. The call quality is WAY better and the features are pretty insanely superior as well in terms of the data connections... All in time I 'spose...