I'm about 1/2 way through now, after 11 hrs. This game is fucking great. Not sure if I like it better than MP1 but it's damn close if not better. There's a TON of shit to scan (multiple times) but for some reason I don't mind so much (as was the case with MP1, but it annoyed me in MP2). I don't know if scanning even does anything for you b/c in the other games you'd get updates like "50% of scans" and I have yet to see than in MP3. Guess I could check an online guide. I really like that you get space jump/screw attack pretty early on. That was totally weak in MP2 b/c you got it when you were like 90% done with the game.
Anybody unlock the screen capture tool yet? I need a green coin dealy and I'm not sure how you get one of those. Again, I should check an online guide . . . .
: I actually don't really like this mode. It's cool as hell to be able to lock
: on and aim elsewhere, but when there's multiple enemies on screen and you
: have to not get your ass kicked, it's pretty difficult ot land shots this
: way. Plus, if you leave the lock on aiming elsewhere option off, it still
: works when you need it too, like with the Beserker. I'll keep messing with
: it, I may change my mind eventually, but for now, I guess it's just too
: difficult for me, especially with far-away enemies.
: I'm definitely digging this game. But, the controls are a bitch to get used
: to. And I don't care much for the ship's controls, it's rather gimmicky.
: You pretty much just read on screen commands and then do that. That's not
: really interesting to me.(although Zelda was way more gimmicky - I didn't
: really like the new Zelda much at all). The pull-turn-push locks are cool,
: but the control isn't quite right. Most of the time I have to pull bay way
: too much, turn (works fine) and then I barely push and it locks in. Kind
: of takes you out of the game a bit. I didn't like changing visors at
: first, but now it's become second nature. The actual game play is pretty
: sweet though. I don't know, I thought the first MP was a damn near perfect
: game - among my top 3 GC games (along with WW and RE4). MP2 was OK but the
: fucked it up. So far I'm liking MP3 better than 2. I'm looking forward to
: stacked weapons too (even though i really liked and became adept and
: changing weapons in the first 2) - this was one of my favoritethings about
: the side-scrolling Metroid games.