Ahhh, massage, errr I mean... Metroid give you happy ending?
Posted By: J242( Date: Wednesday, 3 October 2007, at 10:23 p.m.
In Response To: I beat it last night (Zach)
: He he, that's a pretty funny subject line when taken out of context.
If you hadn't of said anything here you just know someone else would have. lol
: Anyways, I beat MP3 w/ 74% last night. The end is a bit cheesy, but Metroid
: that is to be expected. I still don't know if it's better than the
: original MP, but it is a real fucking solid game. I'll be going back and
: finding the other 26% to get the full-on ending.
Nice, I haven't picked up my copy yet. I've been busy as all hell lately. It's only wednesday and I'm almost at 40 hours at work already. Sheesh...