Posted By: Zach( Date: Monday, 29 October 2007, at 7:07 a.m.
I saw "30 Days of Night on Saturday". It was pretty much what I expected, perhaps a little better than that. I liked the movie overall and I think it delivered, but I want to talk about the previews. First, there were 2 previews that used music from "The Fountain". I don't remember what the first one was, but the 2nd one was for Stephen King's "The Mist". If you're familiar with "The Fountain" (as I know Crosis is), I think you'll agree that any other use of the music from that movie is unacceptable. Anyways, what really surprised me was the preview for AVP2 - the preview itself was R-rated (if you don't know, when the screen before the preview with the motion picture rating is green, it's OK for all movies, but when it's red (as it was for the AVP2 trailer) then it can only be shown before R-rated movies). I think the makers of this movie listened to all the gripes about the first AVP being PG-13 b/c the whole preview was pretty much exploding heads, impalements and other assorted gore. It looks like it might actually be decent. And best of all, no Paul W.S. Anderson!