Posted By: J242( Date: Wednesday, 13 February 2008, at 9:54 a.m.
Man, what the fuck is wrong with those tools? So I picked up an HDR-HC7 a few months back and suped it up a bit with a killer wide-angle lens, ultra super-duper extra battery and enough HDV tapes to choke a donkey. I've been shooting a variety of shows and have a ton of content that I had been waiting to get cracking on and then? Huge brick wall. Apparently Sony has everything it records on the unit set to m2t format (along with their stupid .modd files for every clip which to add insult to injury are all "242 bytes" lol) which is incompatible with EVERY VIDEO EDITOR known to man... FCP 6? Nope... Avid? Notta... Premiere? Nopers... Hell, maybe Sony's own Vegas would run it? 0 for 4... What these empty little simps expect you to do is to capture everything on their bundled "Picture Motion Browser" app and burn to DVD from there. Nevermind the fact that you can't export the clips as mpg, avi or, well you can't export at all! So I find myself having to record all of the content on a PC, manually find the files and burn them to DVD as data, then I can import them into Streamclip and convert them to a usable format.
Sony, what a fucking joke. The worst part is that I really love the camera itself! It's like having a car you really like but in order to change the oil you have to fight through a pack of rabid badgers then a drunken kung-fu midget on speed just to get to the engine! Just pathetic... When oh when is Sony going to pull it's head out of it's ass and quit fucking up their otherwise good products?