Posted By: J242( Date: Saturday, 14 February 2009, at 10:32 p.m.
In the Apple a day blog David Zeiler brings up a lot of good points regarding the upcoming MS stores. Personally, I can't wait to see what a spectacular failure they'll be. I wonder how many people are going to be going in asking about tech support issues and whatnot. Should be pretty damned funny!
I have to quote a commentator on the blog as it's pretty much along the lines of what I've been thinking about it:
"Microsoft Store?
I disagree completely with the comments above.
I have utmost confidence it will be a resounding success!
Why....why....I can just envision the thrill of the experience going to one:
-- They can sell Bill Gates fashion eyeglasses for people who want to look just like a thieving Monopolist who throws his stolen money at charities in an effort to look like a humanitarian
-- They can have a Microsoft branded barber, to give customers Baldy-Steve-Ballmer haircuts for customers who starve to emulate the beautiful look of the crook who runs the joint nowadays
-- They can have a chair-tossing corner with a Olympic medal winning chair tossing coach, offering free tips on how to throw chairs at people just like CEO Ballmer
-- They can teach kids how to plagiarize and steal other people work, just like Bill Gates did over 3 decades to "earn" his fortune
-- They can have "Drop Outs" discounts and special Microsoft "Drop Out Day" Sales and discount coupons, to help customers feel kinship with the glorious founder of Microsoft (Bill Gates)
-- They can hand out commissions and other gifts & payola...I mean "incentives" to customers willing to "help out the cause", by running over to the Apple store and shop-lifting items from there, which can subsequently be brought back to the Microsoft store, where a bald bespectacled Microsoft Store employee can place a cheap "Made by/Invented by/Designed by/Manufactured by" Microsoft label on top of the Apple logo thus rendering the rip-off (oh excuse me) I mean the freshly manufactured item an official/legal/legitimate Microsoft product, ready for sale
-- They can have special modified metal detectors to detect when a Google user is about to enter the premises (Google users need a good laugh every now and then, especially on a boring rainy night, so why not go shopping at Gates & Company, Ltd, LLP, Inc, amalgamated-PhD's-geniuses-polymaths...the more titles the better with these folks), which can trigger blaring alarms warning all within that a Google-using scoundrel is attempting to breach the sacred confines of the store....(oh, I mean their geniuses' boutique)
I see such grand potential for Microsoft stores...Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, oh and yes, Apple ------ ****B-E-W-A-R-E****"