Posted By: J242( Date: Tuesday, 3 March 2009, at 5:06 p.m.
So, I don't know how many of you have heard but Microsoft has decided to cut all contract worker's pay by 10% and on hiring any new contractors, will pay 15% less.
All I can say is "WHAT THE FUCK!?" So, they "only" made 4 billion in profit last quarter and now "Oh boo-hoo, we didn't make as much profit as we wanted so we're "cutting costs" by firing 5,000 FTE and dropping the pay of all contingent staff." ... So, basically the simple facts that they are hemorrhaging cash on products like Live Search, the Zune, XBox 360 and their upcoming "sure to be spectacular" disaster of a retail concept they cut costs on their employees.
Wow. They have really outdone themselves this time. Thankfully, I have not been even requested (as my co-workers have) to accept the (potentially illegal according to the Class Action firm that is hired by hundreds to go after the contracting groups over this) cut in pay but I'm sure they will sooner or later.
The one positive thing I've always been able to say about MS is that they treated their employees really well, gave great perks, benefits, etc but all of that is in the proverbial shitter now. The worst part of all? Easily half (if not more) of affected contractors are rolling over and taking it, all the while the contracting companies take on average 60% of the pay they (The individuals) are actually generating by working. (Example, a System Test Engineer Level 3 or, STE3 is billed out at $49/hr to Microsoft. It's the "standard" rate. The contracting companies try to pay as little as possible and usually get people into the position at around $20/hr... Very few cases get even $25 from them and this is the norm.)